Chile was in those days, a focal point in the media.
We all know why.
The longest rescue in the mining industry in the world happened there.
In a tunnel break in the copper mine San Jose
in the Atacama desert, 33 miners were under the soil..
They survived 33 days in the underground.
On August 12 said the Ministry of Mines that the probability to find the miners still alive is "low" .
On 22 August came out a sensational message to the world:
On a small piece of paper the miners under the soil sent the message to the top:
"All 33 are there. "A camera showed the first pictures of the miners.
On 13 October all were in a sensational action brought to light ... ... ... ... ...
In today's Gospel we hear the parable of the widow and
the unjust judge. Jesus exhorts us "at all times to pray."
That is, to pray persistently.
Prayer is the most important link between God and man.
In the buried miners in Chile, was a note the important link between the people under the earth and the people the above were.
We also often experience situations where we just feel like the buried miners, helpless and without any connection to someone who can help us.
Yes, we do sometimes experience of a world where darkness and helplessness surrounds us, and we long for and call for help.It is as if ones calling upwards from the bottom . This call
from bottom to top can also be called prayer.
Prayer is a sign of life. Prayer is like a call to God from the earth to heaven .It is a sign of our presence.
If we need help and call upon God, we show him that we are there. The connection to God in prayer is vital - always - not only in times of need.
Jesus calls us in today's Gospel to "always pray".
He would tell us, God is with us, he walks with us through all dangers and challenges.
"Pray Regularly" means- to stay in touch with God.
Many people believe that praying is saying to God our requests .
God is not like an ATM machine into which we through a box
our services and prayers enter and then in the bottom expecting the result of what we have typed.
it is because of this many people are disappointed when their expectations are not met ..
Prayer changes us human beings only - and not God!
God is always the one that faces us in love.
God's love for us is unchanging.
Jesus has given us the most important prayer "Our Father .."
"Our Father in heaven .... Hallowed be thy name,
Thy will be done on earth as in heaven, "
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